The "Life and Earth" web page, and the "Life and Earth" book, have been created in order to convey the urgency for world leaders to cooperate given the impact of the side effects of our technologies. Global cooperation may be the only way for us to ensure the best future for Life and Earth.
As of July of 2021, a complementary copy of the "Life and Earth" book had been mailed to the world leaders of nearly every country on the planet. All in all, the total is about 900 world leaders, broken down in the table below. You can imagine that this has been a monumental task, but also very worthwhile. This was the initial phase of the Life and Earth Project and I feel a great sense of completion in doing so. I also offer my special thanks to the many who have replied with acknowlegement, and appreciation, for the effort made. Just in seeing the interest of world leaders is both inspiring, and encouraging. For any who may not have received a book, or would like to have a free one sent to persons they feel of interest, please email me at the address at the bottom of this page.
If you have read the book, it is clear that the main theme is that the leaders of the world must rethink policies that are protectionist, that cause isolation, and that lead to divisiveness between cultures and countries. From what I can see (2018), world powers are only building greater barriers that are causing greater divisivness between each other. As a result, countries are bound to strengthen their military capabilities in order to protect their own beliefs and economic interests. This seems to be a growing trend, especially as space is now becoming a new frontier for military weapons. Instead, countries should see each other as allies against greater common threats, like the side effects of our technologies. This potential alienation is likely going to increase the risk that dangerous world impacting technologies will be used intentionally, or by accident.
We are entering a future where the risks related to nuclear weapons, bioengineering, artificial intelligence, overpopulation, abuse of resources, loss of species, climate change, and the ones that we cannot yet even imagine, will become parts of our daily lives. The stakes are now higher. A concerted and coordinated effort by leaders, and countries, is now urgent. Countries need to see themselves as a part of a global community, moving forward together, with the powerful benefits that come from intelligent cooperation. We need to establish the best choices possible, and get past our differences that prevent us from implementing these choices. For example, we must accurately understand the scientific dynamics of climate change, and their probabilities, then act upon them together as and if required.
The suggestion in "Life and Earth" is to centralize decisions that affect Life and Earth globally through an empowered body such as a "Global Council". It would operate with the input of all countries that might want to participate. If such a body were created, capable of making intelligent decisions, with a deep understanding of physical science, human nature, and philosophy, then it might become a foundation for the development of a Universal Philosophy. This philosophy would exhibit a new way of global thinking, and be incorporated into education systems globally. It would complement, but not replace, existing education systems. Educating such a Universal Philosophy to the world is one step, but we must also give the less fortunate countries a standard of living that will enable them to incorporate such a philosophy into their education systems and their lifestyles. This Universal Philosophy would be the means though which leaders, countries, and individuals, could gravitate toward a new way of cooperative, intelligent, thinking that might help us to find the best future possible.
I have created the hard copy of "Life and Earth" in order to send the aforementioned message to ALL world leaders, and influential individuals. It is designed to be mailed easily, yet still be simple, informative, and appealing. The glossy photos help to convey the messages for each topic covered. The books are not sold, but sent free to those that might benefit from them. The contents of the Life and Earth web page are identical to the contents of the book.
This is far from a project for my own benefit. It is for all Life, the Earth, You, and myself. My hope is, that by making "Life and Earth" available to world leaders and influential individuals, that this could be a seed to bring positive change for all Life. Possibly the creation of the books, and their availability, could become a self-propagating effort, funded by humanity. This is the Life and Earth Project.
The "Life and Earth" book is mailed free to parties that might find it of interest, specifically leaders of various countries, and other influencial individuals, such as corporate leaders. Hopefully it will offer some helpful ideas to those who create the policies that affect the future of Life and Earth. Your suggestions are welcome as to specific individuals, or world leaders, that you think might benefit from reading the book. If you would like your own copy of the book, please contact the email address below for further information.
The "Life and Earth " publication is also available as a pdf that you can download free.
This web page contains the most recent version of "Life and Earth". The main addition has been a new section called The First Step. In previous versions there was a focus on a Universal Philosophy that the world might use, only as a guide along side existing education systems. The First Step addresses how the human species might go about creating an intelligent philosophy, through the combined effort of all countries, in order to help take on a path to a bright future.
In 2024 we may publish Edition 5 and resend it to world leaders, with an accompanying letter. In addition, we may send the book to CEO's of major corporations on the planet. Possibly, with corporations, donations may be considered if they choose to do so. This would enable more funding to apply to the creation of books, and sending them to various parties (e.g. educational institutions) free of charge. Possibly "Life and Earth" may become a self propagating project, and have a broader impact on improving our world.
The Life and Earth Project
PO Box 19180 Fourth Ave RPO
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
V6K 4R8
Image courtesy of njaj at