Thank you for taking the time to read "Life and Earth". If you have not read the section called How a Planet Survived, it offers a good summary of the ideas presented.
If I could emphasize one point, it would be that all of us, especially the leaders of the countries of this world, must work closer in order to resolve the global issues that we face related to our technologies. We have already seen the repercussions that technology can have, like water and air pollution, resource depletion, nuclear proliferation, risks related to AI and biotechnology, and climate change. Who knows what side effects will come from the new technologies that we have yet to create in the future? My guess is that they will be both more common, and carry with them greater consequences. If this is true, then the world must prepare by unifying and working together, as if it were one Nation, one Community, and one Family.
It may be that we are coming to an age that requires us to gravitate toward a new type of thinking. The simple fact that our technologies are having a greater impact on Life and the planet, may mean that countries no longer have the option of placing their own concerns before global concerns. We have come to a juncture in the evolution of the human species where the great benefits of technologies, and the dangerous side effects of our technologies, span all corners of the globe and leave no area untouched. This is demonstrated by the fact that microplastics can be found in the most remote areas of the Antarctic, and of course climate change affects all creatures on the planet. The impact that our technologies are having on Life and Earth has left countries with no choice but to work together under global policies.
Leaders must now think in terms of "the Planet", not just their own countries. One approach to achieve this goal might be the creation of a type of unbiased, intelligent, Universal Philosophy, possibly done through combining the contributions of the greatest minds on the planet as discussed in the section "The First Step". This Universal Philosophy would be everchanging, but it would also represent our best from all countries of the world. It could be used to help leaders cooperate on global issues, and it could be the foundation for a Global Education System (GES). This idea is discussed in detail in the following sections:
the "Creation of a Universal Philosophy" in the section The First Step.
a hypothetical "Application of a Universal Philosophy" in the section How a Planet Survived.
the "Creation and Application of a Global Education System (GES)" in the section Memorandum to Life and Earth.
Such a globally intelligent education system (GES) could complement, not replace, currently existing education systems in countries worldwide. It could also act as a credible source of accurate scientific data and philosophical thought for world decision-makers. It would help educate humankind on the broader aspects concerning the welfare of Life and Earth, as opposed to the advancement of regional gain, at the expense of other Life and the planet.
Many would say that this is an idealistic vision. Nevertheless, just as raindrops can do the impossible, and erode a mountain over thousands of years, our leaders, with the vision and will, may also be able to turn what might seem the impossible, into the possible.
It may be that we will be fortunate, evolution will unfold, and things will work out. It is up to us to decide whether we want to take that chance, or to act and apply ourselves so that we are prepared to face current and future global issues together. It is worth being reminded again, that being preemptive before technological side effects lead to globally catastrophic risks, is not just a concern for each creature on the planet in this century. It is also a concern for all those future generations that may come to be, or not, depending on the course that we follow as our technologies unfold.
In the end we all make our own choices. You will choose how you wish to interpret the world, what beliefs to live by, and how you want to place your energy toward other Life and the planet. The ideas presented in "Life and Earth" have been more about all of us questioning how we perceive our world. How much of our lives do we want to place toward our own welfare, and how much should we put toward accommodating and caring for the welfare of other Life and the Earth?
Regardless of the choices you will need to make in your life, they will make a difference. You may be a parent and wish to educate your family on world issues beyond the daily issues that revolve around each of us. You may be a manager of a company and choose to change policies in order to make the world a better place. Whatever steps you take, I hope that the ideas presented will bring you closer to seeing yourself as an integral part of all Life, and of this fragile planet.
However different we are in colour, culture, wealth, or education - we are all alive. Maybe this common bond is enough so that we might work together to protect Life and Earth, and take it to the future that we all envision it might be.
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